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facility information

Please note that facilities are allowed to charge up to a $5 door fee for spectators. Children 10 and under, Seniors 65 and over, and USAV members who provide proof of membership may enter at no charge.

General Region Facility Rules To Be Followed at Every Location

food - all facilities

Whether signs are posted or not, the region has a policy that all members and their supporters shall have no food, food containers, or flavored drinks in the gyms.

Individual Tournament Directors and/or Site Managers have the right to amend this if their gym allows food, etc. Such a revised policy must be announced at the pre-tournament coaches meeting.

  1. Individual tournament hosts have the right to ban food tables and/or other team set ups at their own discretion.
  2. Crock pots, other electric cooking devices of any kind, as well as outside barbeque appliances are NOT allowed at any sanctioned venue.
  3. No BBQ, food smokers, camp stoves, or open flames are permitted at any PSR sites.
  4. Any outdoor portable structure such as a gazebo, canopy or tent erected for the specific team's use must be located outside of any fire lane or restricted parking space.
  5. Alcohol is not permitted inside any PSR sanctioned facility.

Any prohibited action regarding food and its preparation may result in the removal of the associated team from the event.

The Consequences

Any Disrespectful Behavior by players, coaches or spectators directed towards site directors or officials will result in expulsion of the offending party from the facility.

Team Food Violations.  
Penalties for violating the food in facilities policy, when attending PSR hosted events, are:

  • 1st infraction:  Verbal warning
  • 2nd infraction:  Point penalty in the next game they play -- 13-point penalty for games 1 or 2, 8 points for game 3
  • 3rd infraction:  Disqualification from tournament

Academy Sports Center

2810 Lincoln Way, Lynnwood, WA 98087

Facility Rules

  • $5 Entry fee. Children 10 and under and seniors 65 and over do not have to pay the entry fee. Cash and ApplePay will be accepted.  USAV members enter for free; proof of membership required.
  • Player bags must be kept on the shelves upstairs. 
  • Outside food is allowed in the lobby and upstairs areas
  • No designated team tables. Tables must be cleared after use. Can set up team tables outside if you want one.
  • Concessions will be closed, please provide your own food. 
  • Only water allowed on the gym floor, no coffee, no food, no gum. 
  • We have bleachers and benches available for seating, you won’t need to bring outdoor chairs. Can bring stadium chairs for more comfort if desired. 
  • Extra parking is available across the street in the designated area only. NO parking on the street or in the apartment parking lot. 

Annie wright High School

827 N. Tacoma Ave, Tacoma, WA, 98403
Follow Signs for The Kemper Gym

Facility Rules

  • $5 gate fee for all girls PSR hosted events
  • DO NOT park in non parking/emergency or bus zones
  • Parking in the LOT will be tight, recommend parking on Tacoma Ave
  • No food tables inside or outside the facilities
  • Personal food ok in the hallways
  • Only water allowed in the gyms
  • Personal chairs allowed only with blanket underneath

Auburn Mountainview High School

28900 124th Ave SE, Auburn, WA 98092

Facility Rules

  • $5 gate fee for all girls PSR hosted events
  • NO FOOD allowed in either of the two gyms
  • Outside chairs are NOT allowed
  • The commons will be available for team areas. You may set up a food table there, but we ask that every team clean up after themselves.

Ballard High School

1418 NW 65th St, Seattle, WA 98117

Facility Rules

  • $5 flat gate fee PER FAMILY (no limit on family size)
  • Non-playing or coaching USA Volleyball members with proof of membership and ID admitted free
  • Ballard HS has two parking lots. The gym parking lot is on 67th Street. Please do not attempt to park or drop off/pick up players on the 65th Street side of the building as those doors will remain locked all day.
  • Food tables or coolers only allowed on the tiled floor in the main hallway outside the gym. No tables or coolers in the gym or on the carpeted parts of the hallways. 
  • Depending on availability of volunteers, concessions may be available for purchase.
  • Only water bottles with lids are allowed on the gym floor. No straw water bottles or Stanley-style cups in the bench or playing areas.
  • Other drinks are allowed, but must be consumed in the bleachers or hallway.
  • Bleacher seating will be available for court 1. Outside chairs are permitted for court 2, but must have rubber feet or be placed on a towel or blanket.
  • Do not block exits or doorways with any chairs or team areas.
  • Teams are responsible for fully cleaning up their own team areas. Trash cans & recycle bins are abundantly available.

Bothell High School

9130 NE 180th St, Bothell, WA 98011

Facility Rules

  • $5 gate fee for all girls PSR hosted events
  • Personal food bags/coolers only
  • No food tables
  • Water only in the gym
  • Personal chairs allowed with blanket/towel underneath

Curtis Junior High School

3725 Grandview Dr W, University Place, WA 98466-2138

Facility Rules

  • $5 gate fee for all girls PSR hosted events
  • No food tables inside or outside the facilities
  • Personal food ok in the hallways
  • Only water allowed in the gyms
  • Personal chairs allowed only with blanket underneath

Curtis High School

8425 40th Street W, University Place, WA 98466-2099

Facility Rules

  • $5 gate fee for all girls PSR hosted events
  • No food tables inside or outside the facilities
  • Personal food ok in the hallways
  • Only water allowed in the gyms
  • Personal chairs allowed only with blanket underneath

Dakine Sports Center

2818 69th Ave W, Tacoma, WA 98466

Facility Rules

  • $5 gate fee for all girls PSR hosted events
  • Please DO NOT move any traffic cones to create parking spaces
    • A 13 point penalty could be assessed for parking in a "No Parking" zone
    • Those who park in "No Parking" zones, will be towed at the owner's expense

Edmonds Community College

20000 68th Ave W, Lynnwood, WA 98036
Use the 200th St entrance; Seaview Gym

Facility Rules

  • $5 gate fee for all attendees aged 11-64.
  • Non-playing or coaching USA Volleyball members with proof of membership and ID admitted free.
  • Admission will be operated by Edmonds College Volleyball – thank you for supporting our program.
  • No food tables or coolers allowed in the building.  Food rules may change if there are concessions operated by the athletic department.
  • No team areas inside the hallways.
  • Water  with lids only allowed on the gym floor(no straw water bottles allowed); other drinks are allowed in the gym, but must be consumed in the bleachers or hallway. Please use the garbage cans to dispose of your cups.
  • There will be bleacher seating adjacent to one court – please leave the first two rows open for player and coaches. No outside chairs behind this court.
  • For the other court, outside chairs are only allowed behind the other court – not the side walls/bench areas. Use the basketball court baseline as a guide for spectator boundaries. Outside chairs must have rubber feet or be placed on a towel or blanket.
  • Please do not block emergency exits with your chairs.

Everett Community College

2206 Tower St, Everett, WA 98201

Facility Rules

  • $5 gate fee for all attendees aged 11-64. CASH ONLY AT THIS TIME.
  • Stamp required for re-entry.
  • No food tables or coolers allowed in building.
  • WATER only in the gym. No food in gym.
  • Bleacher seating will be available adjacent to one court. Chairs will be set up behind the far court for spectators. No outside seating allowed.
  • Team area is designated to upstairs indoor track only.
  • No outside music sources allowed in the facility.
  • No ball handling anywhere except on the sport courts .

Everett Boys & Girls Club

2313 12th Street, Everett , WA 98201

Facility Rules

  • Admission will be operated by Ignite Volleyball Academy – thank you for supporting our program.
    • $5 gate fee for all attendees aged 11-64 yrs old. (Cash or Venmo)
    • Non-playing or coaching USA Volleyball members with proof of membership and ID admitted free.
  • No food tables or coolers allowed in the building.  
  • Team areas in the Community Room. No team areas inside the hallways.
  • Only Water and Coffee are permitted in the Gym. Absolutely No Food in the Gym.  All food and other drinks must be consumed prior to entering the gym. Please use the garbage cans to dispose of your trash.
  • Water only at the benches. 
  • There will be bleachers and/or chairs for seating in each gym. Spectators may also bring personal chairs with towels or blankets underneath.
  • Please do not block emergency exits with your chairs.
  • Parking is in front of and adjacent to the building. Overflow parking available across the street at Hawthorne Elementary.  

franklin pierce high school

11002 18th Ave E, Tacoma, WA 98445

Facility Rules

  • $5 gate fee for all girls PSR hosted events
  • Personal food, lunch bags, or small coolers ARE allowed
  • NO food tables allowed
  • NO large coolers allowed
  • Electrical outlets are strictly off limits including charging camera's or personal phones
  • Team areas may be set-up upstairs only

glacier view junior high school

12807 184th ST E, Puyallup, WA 98374

Facility Rules

  • $5 admission for all attendees age 11-64 yrs old
  • Additional Information Coming Soon!

highline college

2400 S. 240th St, Des Moines, WA 98198

Facility Rules

  • Not charging admission at this time.
  • Bring your own chair and a towel blanket to put underneath to protect the floor.
  • No team table /picnic food in the gym. Tables and team food need to be outside. You may bring individual servings of food to eat inside, but must clean up after yourself. 

Jackson High School

1508 136th St SE, Mill Creek, WA 98012

Facility Rules

  • $5 entry fee, 10 & Under, 65 & over and USAV members with proof of membership are free. Cash and Venmo are accepted
  • We will have some chairs (no bleachers) and if outside chairs are brought in there must be a blanket underneath
  • No plug ins
  • Only water at the benches
  • Spectators are allowed drinks, but any spills must be cleaned up by individuals (for big spills contact tourney director)
  • Food tables in team areas are ok


Kellogg Middle School

16045 25th Ave NE, Shoreline, WA 98155

Facility Rules

  • $5 gate fee for all girls PSR hosted events
  • Stanley Cups with straws are NOT allowed; only closed water bottles will be allowed in the gym 
  • Court 1 Chairs are allowed as long as there is a blanket under. Court 2 there will be bleacher seating.
  • No food or drink  (except water) allowed in the gym. 
  • NO GUM in the gym.
  • Eating is allowed in the hallway or in the designated team area.
  • No food tables and no large coolers allowed.
  • Teams and guests are welcome to eat outside food in their cars or in the parking lot.
  • Please only enter/exit through the Athletic Entrance located on the west side of the building.
  • No ball handling anywhere except in the gym
  • Club coaches must provide their own first aid/ athletic training supplies. 

Kenmore Middle School

20323 66th Ave NE, Kenmore, WA 98028

Facility Rules

  • $5 gate fee for all girls PSR hosted events
  • Personal food bags/coolers only
  • No food tables
  • Water only in the gym
  • Personal chairs allowed with blanket/towel underneath

Lynnwood High School

18218 North Rd, Bothell, WA 98012

Facility Rules

  • $5 gate fee for all attendees aged 11-64 yrs old.
  • No food or drink  (except water) allowed in the gym. 
  • Eating is allowed in the hallway or in the designated team area.
  • No food tables and no large coolers allowed.
  • Teams and guests are welcome to eat outside food in their cars or in the parking lot.
  • Please only enter/exit through the Athletic Entrance located on the west side of the building.
  • Personal chairs allowed provided you have a towel / blanket under the feet
  • No ball handling anywhere except in the gym
  • Club coaches must provide their own first aid/ athletic training supplies. Ice will only be provided for emergency situations

monroe High School

17001 Tester Rd, Monroe, WA 98272

Facility Rules

  • $5 gate fee for all attendees aged 11-64 yrs. Cash or Venmo.
  • Please only enter/exit through the Gymnasium Entrance located on the south side of the building. Across from the football field
  • Eating is allowed in the designated team area.
  • Small tables and coolers are allowed in team areas only.
  • Teams and guests are welcome to eat outside food in their cars or in the parking lot.
  • No personal chairs. Bleachers will be out.
  • No ball handling except in the gym. 13 Point Penalty against your team in the next set that you play.
  • Club coaches must provide their own first aid/ athletic training supplies. Ice will only be provided for emergency situations.


3613 191st Pl SE, Bothell, WA 98012

Facility Rules

**Please do not come to the North Creek High School if you are feeling sick or have COVID symptoms.** 

  • $5 admission for all attendees age 11-64 yrs old
  • Parking spots, utilize a lined parking stall meant for a personal vehicle, no motorhomes.  
  • No food tables.    
  • No eating inside the gym. Eating is allowed in the hallways and cafeteria
  • Facility provides multiple water bottle filling stations for personal refillable water bottles and hydro flasks.
  • BBQS are not allowed in the parking lot
  • No chewing gum allowed | 13 POINT PENALTY  
  • No Tobacco or vaping inside the facility (Must be 25+ feet from entry doorways)
  • Bleacher seating is provided  
  • No personal chairs  
  • No outside music sources allowed
  • Absolutely no ball handling anywhere except on the sport courts  
  • Power League guests may set up camera tripods on the floor only 

Northwest Christian High School

4710 Park Center Ave NE, Lacey, WA 98516

Facility Rules

  • $5 gate fee for all attendees aged 11-64.
    • Non-playing or coaching USA Volleyball members with proof of membership and ID admitted free.
    • Admission will be operated by Northwest Christian High School Athletics – thank you for supporting our program
  • When entering the parking lot the gym is on your right down the stairs. Please park in the main lot. Handicap parking is available on the north side of the school. 
  • Teams have access to the Commons area (please clean up). No team areas inside the hallways. Coolers allowed but please no food tables or hot plates, etc. 
  • Individual drinks and food are allowed in  the gym, but must be consumed away from the playing area. Please use the garbage cans to dispose of your trash. 
  • NO BLEACHER SEATING. Outside chairs must have rubber feet or be placed on a towel or blanket.
  • Chairs are not allowed on the long wall opposite the bleachers. Please do not block emergency exits or hallways to bathrooms with your chairs. 

orting middle school

111 Whitehawk Blvd NW, Orting, WA 98360

Facility Rules

  • $5 gate fee for all girls PSR hosted events
    • Children under 10, seniors over 64, and current USAV Members are free
    • USAV Members MUST provide proof of membership
  • Water only in the gyms
  • NO food tables allowed
  • Personal food, lunch bags, or small coolers ARE allowed, NO large coolers allowed
  • Electrical outlets are off limits including charging cameras/personal phones
  • Team area in hallways – leave room for passage
  • Must clean up team area 100% before leaving
  • Bleacher seating available for courts 1, Chairs will be provided for court 2
  • No ball handling anywhere except in the gym
  • Coaches must provide their own first aid/ athletic training supplies
  • A concession stand MAY be open, date dependent

Performance Zone @ FIELDHOUSE USA

1101 Outlet Collection Way #1275, Auburn, WA 98001 

Facility Rules

  • $5 gate fee for all PSR hosted events (CASHLESS Entry)
    • Children under 10, seniors over 64, and current USAV Members are free
    • USAV Members MUST provide proof of membership
  • Teams are to check-in together to speed up the check-in process. All teams are to enter through the front entrance, and the doors will open 1 hour before the 1st round of play 
  • Parking spots, utilize a lined parking stall meant for a personal vehicle, no motorhomes
  • Team areas will be designated at team check in. Players must leave their bags/backpacks/belongings in their designated team area
  • No food tables
  • No eating inside the facility
  • Personal refillable water bottles, nalgene, hydro flasks, etc are okay, we have bottle filling station
  • Teams and guests are welcome to eat outside food in their cars or in the parking lot  
  • BBQS are not allowed in the parking lot
  • No chewing gum allowed | 13 POINT PENALTY  
  • No Tobacco or vaping inside the facility (Must be 25+ feet from entry doorways)
  • Bleacher seating is provided  
  • No personal chairs  
  • No outside music sources allowed
  • Absolutely no ball handling anywhere except on the sport courts  
  • Power League guests may set up camera tripods on the concrete only 

Pierce College - Ft Steillacoom

9401 Farwest Dr SW, Lakewood, WA 98498

Facility Rules

Attendees are encouraged to use their best judgement regarding masks and social distancing while on campus.  Everyone must respect the wishes of other attendees.  Harassment or shaming of others, due to differing personal viewpoints, will be subject to immediately removal from the facility and a permanent ban from campus.

  • $5 gate fee for all girls PSR hosted events
  • Mask wear is OPTIONAL by all attendees and participants
  • Proof of Vaccination or Screening Questionnaires are no longer required
  • No communal food, no food tables and no coolers allowed in the building
  • Personal food is allowed in the area outside the gym, but no drinks or food in the gym
  • No personal chairs allowed as there is plenty of bleacher seating

Puget Sound Volleyball Academy - Fife Flagship Facility

4918-B 20th St E, Fife, WA 98424

  • $5 admission for all attendees age 11-64 yrs old
  • Facility provides warm up balls for each court/team

sammamish high school

100 140th Ave SE, Bellevue, WA 98005

Facility Rules

  • $5 gate fee for all girls PSR hosted events
  • Doors will open at 8:00 am
  • Personal food, lunch bags, or small coolers ARE allowed
  • NO food tables allowed
  • NO large coolers allowed

Shorecrest High School

15343 25th Ave. N.E. Shoreline, WA 98155

Facility Rules

  • $5 gate fee for all girls PSR hosted events; CASH ONLY
  • No food in the gym, coffee is allowed but must be thrown away when finished 
  • WATER only in the gym, no sports drinks on the court. 
  • Absolutely NO Water Bottles with straws will be allowed courtside. All bottles must be closed. 
  • No chewing gum allowed
  • bleachers will be set up for spectators  (no outside seating is allowed)
  • All young siblings must be supervised by adults
  • Team areas will be designated at team check in. Players must leave their bags/backpacks/belongings in their designated team area.
  • BBQS are not allowed in the parking lot
  • No Tobacco or vaping inside the facility (Must be 25+ feet from entry doorways)
  • No outside music sources allowed in the facility
  • Absolutely no ball handling anywhere except in the gym 

Shuksan Middle School

2717 Alderwood Ave, Bellingham, WA 98225

Facility Rules

  • $5 gate fee for all girls PSR hosted events; CASH ONLY
  • Personal food bags/coolers only
  • No food tables
  • Water only in the playing gym
  • NO Personal chairs - there is bleacher seating
  • No personal food in the school hallways 
  • There will be designated team areas that allow food/drinks 
  • No parking in the school bus loop. Only park in the designated school parking spaces
  • No ball handling anywhere but on playing courts 
  • Coaches will provide their own First aid/medical equipment and ice as needed 

Skyline High School

1122 228th Ave SE, Sammamish, WA 98075

Facility Rules

  • $5 door fee – cash or credit/debit card – 65 & over, 10 & under, and USAV members get in at no charge
  • Food may be eaten in the commons
  • Only water in the gym
  • Parents may bring their own chairs, with a blanket to put under them

Skyview Middle School

21404 35th Ave SE, Bothell, WA 98021

Facility Rules

**Please do not come to the Skyview Middle School if you are feeling sick or have COVID symptoms.** 

  • $5 admission for all attendees age 11-64 yrs old
  • Parking spots, utilize a lined parking stall meant for a personal vehicle, no motorhomes.  
  • No food tables.    
  • No eating inside the gym. Eating is allowed in the hallways and cafeteria
  • Facility provides multiple water bottle filling stations for personal refillable water bottles and hydro flasks.
  • Teams and guests are welcome to eat outside food in their cars or in the parking lot  
  • BBQS are not allowed in the parking lot
  • No chewing gum allowed | 13 POINT PENALTY  
  • No Tobacco or vaping inside the facility (Must be 25+ feet from entry doorways)
  • Bleacher seating is provided  
  • No personal chairs  
  • No outside music sources allowed
  • Absolutely no ball handling anywhere except on the sport courts  
  • Power League guests may set up camera tripods on the floor only 

Stanwood High School

7400 272nd St NW, Stanwood, WA 98292

Facility Rules

  • There will be a $5 admission charge (based on employee availability)
    • Stamp required for re-entry
    • Children under 10, seniors over 60, and current USAV Members are free of charge
    • USAV Members MUST provide proof of membership
  • Doors will open 1 hour before the first match time
    • Coaches’ meeting 25 minutes before the first match time
  • Team areas will be available in the Commons (date dependent)
    • Teams must clean up their team area 100% before leaving
  • Please keep food in the Commons/Cafeteria area
  • Please clean up after yourself!
  • NO food or drink (except water) in the gym
  • Please enter/exit through the Athletics Entrance only on the North side of SHS
    • NO propping doors open!
  • Bleacher seating available for courts #1, #2 & #3. Chairs will be provided for court #4.
    • Spectators may bring their own chair for court #4, AS LONG AS a towel or blanket is beneath it
    • DO NOT climb closed bleachers for courts # 1 & # 2
  • No ball handling anywhere except in the gym
  • Club coaches must provide their own first aid/ athletic training supplies
    • Ice will only be provided for emergency situations
  • A concession stand MAY be open, date dependent

Sunrise Courts

16719 110th Avenue E, Puyallup, WA 98374

Facility Rules

  • $5 gate fee for all attendees age 11-64 yrs old
  • Players and coaches, ONLY, on sport court. Court shoes only. No crossing through the courts
  • Players and spectators are welcome to eat and drink inside the facility, just not on the sport court
  • No gum is permitted
  • Spectator seating is provided, please do not bring chairs
  • No ice chests/coolers inside
  • Tailgating in parking area is NOT ALLOWED
  • Please park in Puyallup Juniors designated parking. If parking on the road, all wheels must be off of the roadway
  • The use of alcohol is strictly forbidden

Washington High School

12420 Ainsworth Ave S, Tacoma, WA 98444

Facility Rules

  • $5 gate fee for all girls PSR hosted events
  • Personal food, lunch bags, or small coolers ARE allowed
  • NO food tables allowed
  • NO large coolers allowed
  • Electrical outlets are strictly off limits including charging camera's or personal phones

Western Washington University

WECU Court at Sam Carver Gymnasium (pin to find using Google)

WWU Parking:

  • Red = DO NOT PAY TO PARK (9G FREE main parking ) (C Lots FREE overflow parking)
  • Orange = Pay to Park (overflow parking)

PIN for Parking Lot 9G

  • Do not park in reserved spaces as those are in effect 24 hours a day
  • After you park walk around the BRICK building to your left, then walk BETWEEN the CARVER building and the BRICK building.  Follow the BRICK pathway.

PIN for Overflow Parking Lot 19G

  • PAY FOR PARKING! This is an overflow lot.


  • $5 gate fee for all girls PSR hosted events; CASH ONLY
  • Please read the .pdf for more specific rules

Whatcom Community College

237 W. Kellogg Rd, Bellingham, WA 98226

Facility Rules

  • $5 gate fee for all attendees aged 11-64. CASH ONLY 
  • Non-playing or coaching USA Volleyball members with proof of membership and ID admitted free.
  • Parking is free on campus and available in front of Whatcom Pavilion.
  • Team areas will be in the upstairs yoga studio.
  • No food or drink besides water with a lid on the playing surface. Tumblers and other cups with straws are not allowed.
    • Food and beverages are allowed on bleachers with proper care to keep it clean.
  • Closed doors indicate closed areas. Please keep out.
  • The Pit is our lifting area. This area is off-limits for PSR events