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Filing a Complaint

All members agree to abide by the policies, regulations, and procedures of USA Volleyball and the Puget Sound Region.  The policies, regulations, and procedures are described in USA Volleyball Official Guidebook, as well as in various Puget Sound Region manuals which are available through the region website.


The USA Volleyball Expectations, PSR Member Expectations, Club Code of Conduct, Tournament Director Code of Conduct, and Spectator/Parent Code of Conduct contained herein. 


The commissioner of the region is responsible for enforcing the policies, regulations, and procedures.  The process of enforcement has 4 steps: filing complaint, investigation, adjudication, and appeal. Any sanction or penalty levied by the commissioner may be appealed per the procedures set forth herein.

Filing a Complaint

Only members have the right to file complaints against or report misconduct by any member for violating the policies, regulations, and procedures of the region or USAV.  Any complaint or report of misconduct, not involving a claim of sexual misconduct, must (1) be filed within fourteen (14) days of the occurrence; and (2) filed using one of the forms below.   

For more detailed information regarding the complaint process review the Junior Division Manual.

This form will be used exclusively to notice the commissioner of inappropriate participant or spectator conduct at a region sanctioned event. 

Individuals who witness inappropriate behavior by an event participant or attendee should report such behavior to the Tournament/Site Director or Official immediately. 

This form should be initiated by the Tournament/Site Director or Official.  The form should be generated at the time of the incident and forwarded to the region by the Tournament/Site Director or Official the Monday following the event.

This form will be used exclusively to notice the commissioner of suspected violations of region policies (i.e. operating without an approved club license, signing policy, recruiting policy, eligibility rules, tournament no-shows, and tournament site policies).  Generally, this form is to be completed by a tournament/site director, club director, coach, assistant coach, or region staff member.  The form should be generated at the time the infraction is discovered and sent to the region office for investigation within 72 hours of the incident.