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Summer Tryout FAQs

By PSR Staff, 03/03/23, 2:00PM PST


Summer tryouts will occur for the 23-24 USAV season (Girls U15 and older only & Boys all ages)

  • Girls U15 and older will be allowed to sign a Letter of Commitment OR participate in a tryout starting July 15th - July 31st
    • Girls U15 and older tryout dead period starting August 1st until:
      • Girls U15 and older will have a second round to sign a Letter of Commitment OR participate in a tryout starting November 19th NET 1000
  • Girls U14 and younger will be allowed to sign a Letter of Commitment OR participate in a tryout starting October 28th NET 0800
  • All ages of boys may sign a Letter of Commitment OR participate in a tryout starting July 15th
  • PSR Letter of Commitment waiting period for all ages & genders = 48 hours
  • All participants (players, coaches, administrators, etc) must have a current USAV membership to attend