You’re figuring out what age division you need to play in. You’ve identified up a few clubs in your area. Now for the hard part: picking just ONE club to play for during the upcoming season.
This is a big decision. Club volleyball requires an investment of both time and money. It is a good idea to find out as much as you can about your different options before making any decisions.
Remember to avoid assumptions as you start this process. Don’t assume a big club is better than a small club. Don’t assume a volunteer coach is better than a paid coach. Don’t assume the right fit for your friend is the right fit for you. Talk to several different clubs as you start to gather information.
Sit down as a family and figure out which clubs match your player’s goals, commitment level, financial situation, etc. Once you have picked several top choices, buy a membership through the Puget Sound Region/USAV and select the tryout membership option. This enables you to participate in region programming (such as tryouts). Please note you will ALSO need to register for the tryout through each individual club as they are a separate organization.
Attend tryouts for several of your top choices if possible. One club may decide to offer you a roster spot while a different club may not. Trying out for several clubs gives you options and a “safety net” in case your top club does not offer you a spot.
(Reference: Junior Division Manual, Sec. XXVIII, page 17):
The region discourages club transfers. However, the region understands the club selection process does not always allow for an ideal fit between athlete and club. Approval of a transfer request is not a guaranteed process.
If a transfer is approved, the athlete may not be allowed to participate in any competiton where a bid to the junior national championship is being awarded (i.e. region bid tournament, other region or USA Volleyball sanctioned bid tournaments, or national qualifying events). **This determination will be made by the region commissioner.**
To request a transfer:
Regardless of the releasing club's decision, an athlete MUST have a written approved transfer request from the region commissioner BEFORE signing a PSR Letter of Commmitment with another club.
Click Here to Purchase a 2024-25 Tryout Membership
All Genders: $20 (The cost of a tryout membership is applied to the cost of a full membership.)
**Brand new USAV member athletes should purchase a tryout membership (available 6/1/2024) then upgrade to a regular membership once they have made a team AND signed the PSR Letter of Commitment.**
There are no guarantees you will be offered a spot, so it’s best try out for several programs to give yourself options.
Things To Remember:
At the completion of your purchase process, save the card as a .pdf or take a picture of it and share it with your athlete.